MINT - 2014
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • IUT : Géry Casiez, Algorithmique, 80, niveau 1A, Bases de données, 24, niveau 1A, modélisation mathématique, 14, niveau 2A, Conception orientée objet, 24, niveau 2A, IHM, 77, niveau 2A, projets, 18, niveau 2A, Université Lille 1, France

  • Licence : Thomas Pietrzak, AEL : Automates et Langages, 36, niveau L3, Université Lille 1, France

  • Licence : Thomas Pietrzak, ASD : Algorithmes et Structures de Données, 36, niveau L3, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master : Géry Casiez, Thomas Pietrzak & Nicolas Roussel, IHM : Interaction Homme-Machine, (8h, 56h, 32h), niveau M1, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master: Géry Casiez & Fabrice Aubert; Multi-Touch Interaction, 24h, M1, Univ. Lille 1, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master : Frédéric Giraud: Power Electronics (40h) niveau M1, Université Lille1, France

  • Master : Géry Casiez, Fanny Chevalier, Laurent Grisoni & Thomas Pietrzak, NIHM : nouvelles Interactions Homme-Machine, (14h, 12h, 6h, 16h), niveau M2, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master: Laurent Grisoni, représentation et compression de données (24h), introduction à la programmation (38h), cryptographie (8h), Ecole Polytech'lille (dept IMA)

  • Master : Laurent Grisoni & Thomas Pietrzak, IHM et Interface à Gestes, (24, 12h), niveau M2 (IMA5), Polytech Lille, France

  • Master : Géry Casiez & Thomas Pietrzak, 3DETech : 3D Digital Entertainment Technologies, (?, 10.5h), niveau M2, Télécom Lille, France

  • Introduction to HCI, haptics and computer graphics, 24h, Ecole Centrale de Lille (G2): N. Roussel


  • PhD in progress : Amira Chalbi, “Understanding and designing animations for graphical user interfaces”, Univ. Lille 1, started October 2014, co-advised by N. Roussel and F. Chevalier

  • PhD in progress: Alix Goguey, “Ìnteracting between physical and digital tools”, Univ. Lille 1, started October 2013, co-advised by G. Casiez and T. Pietrzak

  • PhD in progress: Andéol Evain, “Smart user interfaces based on BCI”, Univ. Rennes 1, started September 2013, co-advised by A. Lecuyer (in Rennes), G. Casiez and N. Roussel

  • PhD in progress: Jonathan Aceituno, “Designing the ubiquitous desktop”, Univ. Lille 1, started October 2011, advised by N. Roussel

  • PhD in progress: Sofiane Ghenna, “multimodal control of piezoelectric actuators”, Univ. Lille 1, started October 2013, co-advised by F. Giraud and C. Giraud-Audine

  • PhD in progress: Eric Vezzoli, “friction control techniques for tactile rendering”, started September 2013, advised by B. Semail

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Sednaoui started September 2013, co-advised by B. Semail and C. Chappaz

  • Yosra Rekik, “Multi-finger gestural interaction”, Univ. Lille 1, co-advised by L. Grisoni and N. Roussel, defended December 10th 2014

  • Jérémie Gilliot, “Interactions multi-points indirectes sur grands écrans”, Univ. Lille 1, co-advised by N. Roussel and G. Casiez, defended February 26th

  • Farzan Kalantari, “shape feedback interaction devices”, Univ. Lille 1, started oct. 2014, co-advised by L. Grisoni and F. Giraud.

  • Frederic Largilière, “Soft robots”, Univ. Lille 1, started oct 2013, co-advised by L. Grisoni and C. Duriez (SHACRA/DEFROST team)

  • Vincent Gouezou, “architects and tools”, ANMA Architect cabinet (CIFRE funding)/Lille 3, co-advised by L. Grisoni and F. Vermandel (ecole d'architecture de Lille)


  • Arnaud Hamon, PhD (Univ. de Toulouse, December): Nicolas Roussel (reviewer)

  • Anthony Talvas, PhD (Univ. Rennes 1, December): Géry Casiez (reviewer)

  • David Bertolo, PhD (Univ. Lorraine, November): Géry Casiez (reviewer)

  • Jean-Luc Vinot, PhD (Univ. Toulouse 3, November): Géry Casiez (reviewer)

  • Liuqing Wang (Insa de Lyon, November): Frédéric Giraud (reviewer)

  • Olivier Beaudoux, HDR (Univ. d'Angers, August): Nicolas Roussel (reviewer)

  • Christophe Winter (EPF Lausanne - Suisse) : Betty Semail (reviewer)

  • Jérémie Garcia, PhD (Univ. Paris-Sud, June): Nicolas Roussel (examiner)

  • Guillaume Trannoy (ESPCI, April): Betty Semail (reviewer)

  • Charles Hudin 2014 (ESPCI, march): Betty Semail (reviewer)

  • Fabien Danieau, PhD (Univ. Rennes 1, January): Géry Casiez (reviewer)

  • Simon Courtemanche, PhD (Univ. Grenoble, dec): Laurent Grisoni (reviewer)